7 Skills to Look for When You Hire Mobile App Developer in India

The Indian mobile app development industry is projected to grow exponentially and reach $14.3 billion by 2026. The reason behind this growth is the massive base of skilled mobile app developers that are competing on a worldwide basis. 

The technical advancements in the Indian mobile industry have led to the country becoming a prime destination for mobile app development. This is not just a vague comment but is backed by many top-tier companies hiring mobile app developers in India.

India is an attractive destination to hire mobile app developers because of its cost-effectiveness, tech quality, and timely delivery. There are many companies that helps businesses hire skilled developers and Resourcifi is one of the top companies. 

Due to the rising technical talent gaps, it is important for businesses to find alternatives in the global talent pool. How? You’ll get to know all about it by reading further.

What Does The Market Say?

India boasts a massive pool of tech talent, estimated at over 5.4 million developers according to a NASSCOM report. This makes India a major player in the global IT industry in terms of rising tech talent. 

Not only this but the rising tech talent can compete in the global market due to the massive skill diversity. India has a strong presence in various technology domains.  Studies like the GILD IT Capability Scorecard show Indian developers performing well in math and logic. The reports show that Indian developers outscore US developers by 11% in math and logic analytical skills

The supply of fresh talent in India is continuously growing and as the education system of India is focusing on adding AI and ML in the curriculum, the fresh talent of India is capable of dominating the global industry. According to InvestIndia,  India has a large number of engineering graduates entering the workforce each year.

Benefits of Hiring Mobile App Developers From India

Hiring mobile app developers from India is a strategic choice that has been adopted by many top-tier businesses. Why is it a strategic choice? Because it not only benefits your business economically but also helps you with round-the-clock productivity and faster time to market.

The benefits of hiring a mobile developer from India do sound like it might become an expensive strategy but when compared with in-house hiring costs the difference is pretty evident. Hiring from India can lower your total cost down to 71%. 

hire mobile app developer in India

Apart from the economic benefits, several other benefits include,

  • High Technical Expertise
  • Innovative Approaches
  • Strong Communication Skills
  • Quality Assurance
  • Timely Delivery
  • Scalable Teams
  • Flexibility
  • Global Recognition

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Important Skills to Look for When Hiring Mobile App Developers in India

When hiring mobile app developers, you need to have a plan and set your requirements straight. It is important to list out the skills that are needed in your tech team. This helps businesses bridge the tech talent gaps and utilize the potential of in-house and offshore tech teams in India. So, the key skills you should look for when hire mobile app developer in India are,

1. Proficiency in Programming Languages

A top-notch developer should be proficient in programming languages. For Android, this means Java and Kotlin. For iOS, Swift and Objective-C are essential. When you hire mobile app developer in India, look for those who excel in these languages to ensure your app runs smoothly.

2. Experience with Development Frameworks and Tools

Experience with popular development frameworks and tools is a must. For Android, familiarity with Android Studio, Flutter, and React Native is important. For iOS, knowledge of Xcode and SwiftUI is beneficial. Developers who know these tools can build efficient and high-quality apps.

3. UI/UX Design Principles

Understanding UI/UX design principles is vital. A good developer should know how to create user-friendly interfaces. They should be skilled in designing intuitive navigation and engaging layouts. When you hire mobile app developer in India, ensure they can deliver a seamless user experience.

4. Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving skills are critical in app development. Developers often face challenges and bugs that need quick and effective solutions. Hiring developers in India with strong problem-solving abilities ensures your project stays on track and issues are resolved swiftly.

5. Communication Skills

Effective communication is key. Developers need to understand client requirements clearly and communicate progress regularly. Good communication skills facilitate better collaboration and project success. When you hire developers in India, prioritize those who can articulate ideas and feedback well.

6. Adaptability and Continuous Learning

The tech world evolves rapidly. Developers must be adaptable and eager to learn new technologies. Those who stay updated with the latest trends and tools bring innovative solutions to the table. Hiring a mobile app development team in India that embraces continuous learning ensures your app remains competitive.

7. Knowledge of API Integration

API integration is crucial for adding functionalities to your app. Developers should know how to work with various APIs, such as payment gateways, social media logins, and third-party services. When you hire android app developers in India, ensure they have expertise in seamless API integration.

Why Hire Mobile App Developer in India?

7 Skills to Look for When Hiring Mobile App Developer in India

Choosing to hire mobile app developer in India offers numerous benefits for your business starting from cost-effectiveness to global talent. India is home to a vast pool of talented developers with expertise in the latest technologies and it is the leading destination for hiring developers. So, when you hire mobile app developer in India you gain access to professionals skilled in the latest tech stacks.

But some key reasons to hire mobile app developer in India are,

  • Cost-Effective Solutions: Hiring developers in India is budget-friendly without compromising quality. This approach allows efficient resource allocation.
  • Technical Expertise: Indian developers are proficient in multiple programming languages and familiar with the latest development frameworks. They offer robust and high-performance app development.
  • Innovative Solutions: Indian developers are known for their creativity and ability to provide unique solutions tailored to business needs.
  • Adaptability: Indian developers quickly learn and adapt to new technologies, ensuring your app stays current with industry trends.
  • Excellent Communication: Proficiency in English ensures smooth communication and collaboration with clients worldwide.
  • Commitment to Quality: Indian developers emphasize quality assurance, adhering to industry best practices and rigorous testing standards.
  • Timely Delivery: They are known for their dedication and commitment to meeting deadlines, ensuring timely project completion.


Choosing to hire mobile app developer in India is a strategic move for any business. With cost-effective solutions, technical expertise, and a commitment to quality, Indian developers stand out in the global market. 

Whether you need to hire developers in India for an iOS project or hire Android app developers in India, you’ll find professionals who are adaptable, innovative, and reliable. By hiring a mobile app development team in India, you ensure your project is handled by skilled experts dedicated to delivering success. This approach guarantees a high-quality, competitive app tailored to your business needs.

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What should you look for in an app developer?

When you hire mobile app developer in India, consider their technical expertise, experience, and communication skills. Look for developers proficient in relevant programming languages and familiar with the latest development frameworks. Assess their problem-solving abilities and adaptability to new technologies. Reviewing their portfolio helps ensure they have a history of successful projects. Good communication is crucial for clear understanding and collaboration. A reliable developer will also have strong references and a commitment to quality.

What are the most important programming languages a mobile app developer should know?

For Android app development, Java and Kotlin are essential. Java is a well-established language, while Kotlin is newer and preferred for its modern features and ease of use. For iOS development, Swift is the primary language, known for its performance and safety features. Objective-C, although older, is still relevant for maintaining legacy systems. When you hire mobile app developer in India, ensure they are proficient in these languages to build robust and efficient apps.

How much should it cost to get someone to make a mobile app?

The cost to hire mobile app developer in India can vary based on the complexity of the app, the experience level of the developers, and the project’s requirements. On average, developing a simple app might cost between $5,000 to $10,000. For more complex apps with advanced features, the cost can range from $20,000 to $50,000 or more. India’s cost-effective rates are a major advantage, allowing you to hire a skilled mobile app development team in India at competitive prices without compromising on quality.