4 Business Benefits of Agile Development Methodology

Agile is one of the most recommended development methodologies for quite some time now and rightly so! It is the answer for anyone who is looking to increase the productivity of their development process while cutting costs and improving end-product quality.

While Agile is a project methodology for development, its basic premise of iterative progress can be applied effectively in various situations such as business growth and management.

However, in this blog, we will talk about agile methodology benefits to businesses when product development (app, website, etc. ) is concerned.

According to Agile Manifesto, 4 core values of Agile Development and, in a way, business benefits of agile development methodology are: 

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

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The Agile Manifesto was created back in 2001 but its core values are on point as per the latest market development standard as well. In this article, I am going to talk about 5 key business benefits of Agile development methodology in the technical premise of app/web development.

Assigning Tasks – Time, Priority, and Person Responsible

Task allocation can be very chaotic at times and this can be challenging to establish a productive work environment. Agile Development Methodology in the business allows self-assignment which saves a lot of time and brings the best of each developer in the end product.

This is one of the business benefits of Agile development methodology. It brings system and clarity in the overall project’s execution. As long as your team follows this process, everyone knows their individual assignments, the priority of task execution, and its impact on the end product.

So, let’s say that you have divided the entire project into 10 separate modules. For each module, your team members know their individual tasks and priority of execution. Everything – from execution to testing and getting approved by your client, will run smoothly for all of the modules. 

No matter where you are a B2B provider or B2C, what matters at the end of the day is how well is a software/app/website fulfilling its purpose! Agile Development prioritizes team collaboration over exhaustive documentation and is one of key the business benefits of Agile development methodology.


Predictable ROI and Super-fast Execution

What is the first thought you, as a business owner, have before initiating a project? 

Return On Investment (ROI) of that project, right?

Unlike other project execution methodologies, Agile allows you to predict the project cost beforehand which is one of the key business benefits of this methodology. You can even decide the features you want in your MVP to test your idea and decide if you want to proceed with it.

Agile Development is an iterative execution methodology. This means every iteration adds a new feature in your product upon completion. As such, you get to test its viability in the development phase itself.

Agile Development is all about the reiteration of short cycles of development, integration, and testing of individual modules. This enables super-fast and on-point execution of the entire development project.

VistaPrint noticed that it took them 60days for an idea to reach to the development phase. After shifting to Agile, the project lead time was reduced by 83% to 7 days!

A global survey found out that 78% believed that agile working across their company is benefiting their organization. Agile allows you to accomplish small and focused goals at a faster rate which fuels growth & innovation. This methodology allows you to predict the ROI of your project and that definitely is one of the key benefits of Agile Development Methodology to businesses. 

A Better End Product – Software, Mobile App or Website

This is one of the key business benefits of using Agile Development Methodology in your organization. You get a better end-product, be it a website, app, or anything else.

This is how Agile Development works. Agile Methodology in business is all about creating working software by ensuring customer collaboration.

So, instead of delivering a final product after 10-12 months of development, an MVP is built and new features are added using market response and user feedback. This means that every feature of your product is already tested before you publicly release the complete version.

Google is one of the role models for perfect product launches. Have you wondered why is that? Let’s take Android OS for example. Before launching a feature, Google asks its users to participate in a beta program for testing it, not very different from the agile methodology. A feature is only released after extensive testing!

Here’s a snippet from the Chromium blog.


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Embracing Change At Every Step for Better Consumer Experience

One of the most important business benefits of Agile Development Methodology is its ability to incorporate changes for better consumer experience. Let’s take Spotify’s example for this one.

Spotify noticed that its users spent more time searching for songs than listening in spite of a huge song collection. The development teams at Spotify practice an agile engineering culture and it is one of their biggest success factors.

The solution they came up with was “Discover Weekly” – a playlist containing 30 songs as per the taste of a user. This playlist is delivered on Monday each week. This single change drove excellent user engagement for Spotify.

The Agile methodology in Spotify’s business allowed development teams to introduce this solution in no time. Agile teams work differently from the traditional chain-of-command bureaucracies. The team leader asks for a solution, and the team delivers it. The team decides the details of how to develop that solution!

Agile Development in any business is all about that – creating an MVP and adding new features on top of that! This not only gives you enough room to test planned functionalities in your product but also allows you to add new features along the way.

Agile Development: Final Words

Agile Development in your business not only helps your team to create quick and innovative solutions but also frees you to make strategic moves for your company’s growth. 

At the end of the day, you want a product that benefits your users and helps you establish a successful business. Agile development is a consumer-focused approach and creates the best working software! This definitely defines 

Resourcifi is an award-winning Staff Augmentation company. Our team of web and mobile app developers follow SCRUM – a popular framework of Agile development to create custom solutions for our clients.

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