The Manifest Names Resourcifi Inc. as Delhi’s Most Reviewed Mobile App Game Developer for 2024

Established in 2016, our team at Resourcifi Inc. has been delivering impactful apps and
websites for businesses that want to accelerate their growth. Our talented and
passionate team is dedicated to solving whatever challenges or problems our clients
have. We go above and beyond to ensure they’re equipped with the right technologies
they need to overcome whatever hurdles they face.

Because of the success of our partnerships over the years, we’ve earned our clients’
invaluable trust; trust that helped us earn this new recognition that we’re genuinely
excited to share with you all today.

During the annual The Manifest Company Awards, Resourcifi Inc. was officially
recognized as one of Delhi, India’s most reviewed and recommended mobile app game
developers for 2024!

The Manifest is a business blog resource for companies looking for reliable service
providers from different industries and locations worldwide. The site is known for its
awards cycle that aims to spotlight the importance of building exceptional relationships
with clients. The awardees selected for each category are determined by the volume of
testimonials and endorsements they’ve received over the course of the past 12 months.

Needless to say, without the support and confidence of our clients, we wouldn’t be
celebrating this moment right now. We owe this fantastic milestone to the tremendous
trust given to us by our clients. It’s hard to believe that we were once just dreaming
about achieving impactful milestones with our clients; now, we are actually making a

With that being said, we would like to seize this opportunity to extend our sincerest
gratitude to all of our incredible clients. Thank you so much for believing and supporting
Resourcifi Inc.! We genuinely appreciate you all!

Got a project in mind? Let us know so we can discuss with you how we can help.
Connect with Resourcifi Inc. and let’s get down to business.