What is IT Staff Augmentation? Your Guide to Software Development Staff Augmentation

Is your business struggling to keep up with the ever-evolving demands of the Software Development industry? If so, IT staff augmentation could be the perfect solution for you.
From lack of specialized skills to a lengthy hiring process, there are several reasons why businesses often struggle to find and hire the right talent. New technologies and languages are emerging in the tech space now and then. It is imperative for businesses to detect and embrace these changes to succeed.

As a result, IT staff augmentation has gained popularity. It allows you to consistently have a development team to address present-day challenges without the headache of the cumbersome and costly hiring process. This rising trend has skyrocketed the demand for Software Development professionals. According to Statista, the global Software Development industry is projected to generate a revenue of US$1,364.00bn in 2024.

Following is a comprehensive guide to IT staff augmentation, offering insights into its types, benefits, challenges, and how to choose the right team.

What is Software Development Staff Augmentation?

Staff Augmentation is a flexible and cost-effective strategic approach to enhance your team by outsourcing talent to meet a project or business’s demands. It includes evaluating the current staff and identifying the gap in skills needed to complete the task at hand.

This allows companies to hire a highly skilled team without a long-term commitment. This approach is perfect for bridging the gap between available resources and projects’ needs. Software Development staff augmentation allows you to incorporate outside talent into your core team without worrying about the costs and risks associated with traditional hiring.

How Does IT Staff Augmentation Work?

To make it easier, let’s say you need to build a software, and the project needs five developers on board, but your Software Development team only consists of three. Hiring two more developers may take months. Here is where you can consider outsourcing the project and tap a staff augmentation service to get a talented pool of developers.

This allows you to get a dedicated team without having to go through the tedious recruitment process and onboarding.

Following is the 4-step process you can follow with the staff augmentation model:

  •  Analysis: This step involves defining the project, its goals, and what you expect from the external resources you are looking to hire.
  • Talent Source: Consider the skill set that you need. This will ensure you cover the gap in your current team and efficiently meet your objectives.
  • Onboarding: While the augmentation service provider handles the legal issues, you can define the roles and responsibilities while onboarding the chosen candidate.
  • Ongoing Support: The staff augmentation service provider ensures managed services by assigning an HR manager or an account manager to build a productive relationship.

Types of Software Development Staff Augmentation Services

  • Project-Based Staff Augmentation: It is for companies that need to hire software engineers or software developers for specific projects for a set period of time.  
  • Time-Based Staff Augmentation: The time-based model is the way to go when you need to hire developers for a set period of time.
  • Skill-Based Staff Augmentation: This includes hiring developers with a specific skill set to bridge the gap in the current team.
  • Hybrid Staff Augmentation: This involves combining two or more previously mentioned models to create a customized augmentation solution.
  • On-Shore Staff Augmentation: This model includes hiring developers from the same country as the organization. This ensures a high level of communication between your team and the hired professional.
  • Off-Shore Augmentation: This includes hiring individuals from a different country with a significantly different time zone. This is one of the most cost-effective Software Development staff augmentation models.
  • Near-Shore Augmentation: The near-shore hiring model includes hiring from a nearby country with similar time zones and cultural backgrounds.
  • Dedicated Team Augmentation: This model includes hiring a dedicated team of developers to work exclusively on your project. It offers a high level of specialization and expertise.

IT Staff Augmentation Process

Software Development Staff Augmentation Process

  • Project-Based Staff Augmentation: It is for companies that need to hire software engineers or software developers for specific projects for a set period of time.  
  • Time-Based Staff Augmentation: The time-based model is the way to go when you need to hire developers for a set period of time.
  • Skill-Based Staff Augmentation: This includes hiring developers with a specific skill set to bridge the gap in the current team.
  • Hybrid Staff Augmentation: This involves combining two or more previously mentioned models to create a customized augmentation solution.
  • On-Shore Staff Augmentation: This model includes hiring developers from the same country as the organization. This ensures a high level of communication between your team and the hired professional.
  • Off-Shore Augmentation: This includes hiring individuals from a different country with a significantly different time zone. This is one of the most cost-effective Software Development staff augmentation models.
  • Near-Shore Augmentation: The near-shore hiring model includes hiring from a nearby country with similar time zones and cultural backgrounds.
  • Dedicated Team Augmentation: This model includes hiring a dedicated team of developers to work exclusively on your project. It offers a high level of specialization and expertise.

Benefits of IT Staff Augmentation

  • Flexibility: Working on a project-to-project basis allows flexibility to scale your team up and down as needed. It allows you to bring in additional resources for a specific project during a peak period. It also allows you to customize the budget by agreeing to a payment plan with the service provider.
  • Cost Control: IT staff augmentation helps you save money by avoiding the costs associated with recruiting, training, and retaining employees. You can significantly reduce your cost by hiring external professionals on a need-to-need basis, making it more cost-effective.
  • Access to Top Talent: Augmenting your team allows you access to highly skilled and experienced talent that you may not find locally. 
  • Reduced Risks: Hiring external talent allows you to test the waters before deciding whether to make a permanent hiring decision.
  • Faster Time to Market: The flexibility that comes with outsourcing the project speeds up the project timeline and delivers products faster.

Potential Challenges of IT Staff Augmentation

While staff augmenting can be an excellent way to reduce the cost, it comes with its own set of challenges:

  • Lack of Control: Outsourcing software development staffing basically hands over the project’s control to an outside vendor. This lack of control may be unsettling for companies with sensitive data or proprietary technology.

    You can avoid this issue by partnering with a reputable staffing agency and defining the project scope and deliverables in the contract to maintain control.
  • Communication Difficulties: Communication is the key to any successful project, but it can be challenging when working with the outsourced staff. Language barriers, different time zones, and cultural differences can all make communication difficult.

    However, it is easily manageable by utilizing online communication tools that provide real-time communication despite locations and time zones.
  • Quality Control: Differences in the expertise and skills of the outsourced Software Development staff can lead to differences in the quality of work provided.

    Partner with a staffing agency that follows a rigorous screening process for technical skills and experience. You can also involve your internal team in the selection process to ensure a good cultural fit.
  • Data Security Issues: The risk of data breach is one of the most significant challenges of Software Development staff augmentation.

    Choose a partner with high-end security measures in place and include strict data clauses within the contract to avoid this.

Average Cost of Staff Augmentation by Role

Cost of hiring IT Staff Augmentation services

Regions like Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe are well-known for their expansive tech industry and usually charge low hourly rates as compared to the United States or Western Europe. This means you can hire a Software Development staff augmentation company at a low cost without sacrificing quality.

India is one of the top countries that offer cheap but high-quality Software Development staff augmentation services. However, many companies prefer to hire individuals who are closer to where they are located because it is easier for the team to come to the office if required. Otherwise, it is easier to collaborate and communicate with the team in other countries as long as you are comfortable using tools like Microsoft Teams and Zoom to manage the project.

Pricing Model for Software Development Staff Augmentation

There are three common pricing models for staff augmentation, including:

The Fixed Price Model

The Fixed Price Model is a straightforward approach to project costing. It involves both the client and the contractor agreeing on a well-defined scope of work and a corresponding fixed price at the inception of the project. This cost is predetermined and does not fluctuate based on the number of hours it takes to complete the project. Even if the project runs into unforeseen challenges and requires extra hours, the agreed-upon cost remains unchanged. This provides financial predictability to the client, ensuring they can plan and budget the project without concerns of any unexpected cost.


  • Lower risks: Since the project cost is fixed, the risk is lower for the client.
  • Predictable costs: The exact cost of the project is known upfront, helping in budgeting. 


  • Limited flexibility: The changes may lead to additional cost as the project scope is not fixed.
  • Lack of collaboration: There is limited collaboration between the client and the contractor which can lead to delays and misunderstandings. 
  • Limited room for innovation: With the predetermined scope of the project, there is little to no room for innovation.

The Monthly Retainer:

The monthly retainer model is like a subscription. Businesses and Contractors come to an agreement for a set monthly fee. The contractor guarantees their availability for a particular task or a specified number of hours.

This is similar to reserving a professional’s expertise and time, ensuring they are on standby. This model offers a layer of security and predictability. The client knows they have dedicated resources for the project, eliminating the hassle of renegotiating availability and the terms of the contract. This payment model is ideal for projects that require ongoing specialized skills and consistent attention.


  • Cost-effectiveness: Clients can save money by paying a monthly retainer fee instead of paying for each project.
  • Priority services: Contractors may provide priority services to the clients.
  • Flexibility: Clients can request the services as needed, without negotiating new contracts.


  • Risk of overpaying: If the client doesn’t use all the services provided by the contractor, they may end up overpaying. 
  • Limited room for negotiation: There is a limited room for negotiation as the price is fixed.
  • Lack of clear deliverables: The deliverables may not be clearly defined with the monthly retainer model.

The Continued Term Model 

The Continued Term Model is a flexible subscription for hiring talent. Instead of a fixed plan, companies can adjust their terms as the project changes. With this model, contractors and companies regularly check in. They can tweak the project, update the agreement, or change the payment. The project stays up-to-date with the project needs. This pricing model is great for companies that want the flexibility and freedom to change things up as they go along.


  • Flexibility: The client can change the scope and requirements when needed.
  • Room for Innovation: Since the terms are not fixed, there is more room for creative solutions and innovation.
  • Ongoing Communication: There is an ongoing communication between the contractor and the client, allowing better communication and understanding.


  • Higher Risk: There is a risk of missing deadlines or going over budget since the scope is not defined.
  • Cost Uncertainty: It makes budgeting and financial planning difficult.
  • Lack of Clear Deliverables: Since the deliverables may not be clearly defined, it can result in wasted resources, time, and money.

Factors That Influence the Cost of IT Staff Augmentation

Factors Influencing the Cost of Software Development Staff Augmentation

The following are the most important factors to consider when estimating the cost of IT staff augmentation contracts:

  • Geographic Location: Rates may vary based on the local labor cost. Staffing in tech hubs and major metropolitan areas is comparatively higher.
  • Duration of Contract: Longer contracts often have more favorable pricing than the short-term contracts.
  • Level of Expertise: General administrative roles are cheaper as compared to specialized skills like software engineering and data science.
  • Recruitment Fees: Staffing contractors charge around 15-30% fees over base pay rates to cover the administrative and sourcing costs.
  • Overhead Cost Savings: Staff augmentation allows you to avoid expenses related to training, benefits and perks, and office space expenses.

When Should You Choose IT Staff Augmentation Services?

Consider the following three things to decide if Software Development staff augmentation is the right choice for you:

Project Length:
IT Staff augmentation is the perfect choice for short-term projects. If you have a long-term project, it might be more feasible to hire someone to be a part of your in-house team or other outsourcing models like managed services. A short-term project lasts anywhere between 3-24 months.

Decreased Project Cost:
As discussed earlier, the service provider covers administrative and management costs in the staff augmentation model. This includes office space, workstations, and training costs. You will only need to pay a fixed amount based on the number of individuals you hire for the project.

It helps you make better budgeting decisions and reduce the project cost as you will not spend any extra resources on people you will be working with temporarily.


Some projects could involve critical intellectual property that needs to be kept confidential. In such cases, you must cautiously consider Software Development staff augmentation.

Even though the service provider signs a contract with you that provides a level of security, it is crucial to consider doing some risk analysis, as there is an inherent risk while hiring someone without doing the background checks yourself.

Things To Ensure Before IT Staff Augmentation

Make sure you ask every contractor on your team to sign a Nondisclosure Agreement (NDA) so that you are confident in the work the IT staff augmentation company is doing. Also, include the language in the contract that states that any design or code created by any outside contractor will belong to you and not them.

In the case of Dedicated Team Augmentation, you may include a clause that prohibits the augmentation team from working on any other projects with other companies to ensure your intellectual property is protected.

You can start hiring once you have everything in writing and signed.

How to Choose the Right IT Staff Augmentation Model?

It is tempting to just look at the benefits, but it is crucial to determine which model works best for you. Check the following points before deciding:

Identify your needs:

Ask yourself the following questions when considering which IT staff augmentation model to go for:

  • What is my end goal?
  • What skill gaps does my current in-house team lack?
  • How much time can I dedicate to managing external resources?
  • What do I expect from the staff augmentation team I will be working with?

Evaluating the candidate:

Use the above questions to help you evaluate the candidates. Even if you need to hire a new team member urgently, it is still crucial to make the choice carefully.

Check candidates’ portfolios while reviewing and see if they have handled any similar projects. You can also ask for references to vouch for them and search for any reviews or feedback online.

Also, ask about the candidate’s workflow when making the call. This will help you get an idea of how long it will take them to get the task done and if it fits the deadline.

Software Development staff augmentation allows you to hire an external workforce from anywhere in the world. There is a huge possibility that some of the members are from another country or continent altogether. Consider how you work around the possible business hours overlap and work around different time zones.

Consider the cultural fit:

This is necessary to keep in mind while collaborating with an offshore team. Cultural differences can be a major source of hidden costs due to miscommunication. A wider cultural gap means a lower degree of predictability and comprehension.

Start with a pilot task:

Start with a pilot task to ensure you and the candidate are on the same page. Testing out is the best way to verify a candidate’s capabilities.

This step is crucial to avoid roadblocks that can result in extra hassle and unnecessary costs.

How to Choose the Right IT Staff Augmentation Partner?

Consider the following factors when selecting an IT staff augmentation service provider:

  • Experience and Expertise: Look for service providers who have a proven track record of delivering high-quality services.
  • Talent Pool: Ensure that the service provider has access to a pool of qualified and skilled talent who meet your requirements.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: Determine whether the provider can accommodate your changing needs and can scale the team as and when required.
  • Communication and Project Management: Evaluate the provider’s communication channels, methodologies, and project management tools to ensure transparency and effective collaboration.
  • Cultural Fit: It is important to assess the provider’s cultural alignment with your company to ensure effective collaboration and smooth integration.


IT Staffing Augmentation vs. Other Staffing Solutions

Software Development Staffing Augmentation vs. Other Staffing Solutions

As mentioned above, Software Development staff augmentation is an outsourcing model used to hire the required talent. However, there are multiple options, such as managed services, independent contractors, dedicated teams, time and material (T&M), and offshore development centers. But how do these fare against augmentation, and which one suits you the best?

Staff Augmentation vs Managed Services

The most evident distinction between IT staff augmentation and Managed services is the amount of control the vendor gets.

While augmentation only assigns the provisioning of staff, everything else stays under the client’s control. On the other hand, managed services operate as a one-in-all service. Managed service providers manage all aspects of the functioning when providing talent.

Managed services presuppose a higher level of delegation that can be an excellent solution for companies looking to optimize resource allocation and concentrate on the in-house team for strategic priorities.

Staff Augmentation vs Independent Contractors

Hiring a freelancer requires the client to deal with everything, including communication, payroll, and management. All of these are covered by the vendor in Software Development staff augmentation.

On the contrary, you have to consider the specific limitations that apply while hiring an independent contractor. For instance, you wouldn’t need to provide perks and overhead compensation to the independent contractors. Their role also involves limited access to the company data that is typically shared with the augmented staff.

Staff Augmentation vs Time and Material (T&M)

Software Development staff augmentation is distinctly different from the time and material outsourcing model. In the T&M model, the client pays the development team for the time they have worked for them. In staff augmentation, the augmentation company handles the documentation, taxation, and administration expenses of the employment. Here, a client may or may not undertake the responsibility. Generally, the salary and the perks are on the client but the vendor may take care of it too occasionally. 

Staff Augmentation vs Offshore Development Centers (ODC)

The difference between staff augmentation and ODC is similar to you building your own home and renting an apartment.

An ODC is a representative office set up by the vendor. They find an office space, recruit the staff, and take care of the furniture, internet connection, office supplies, etc. All these are included in the vendor fee, and once everything is done, the client can manage the office and the team on their own.

The Future of IT Staff Augmentation

In the wake of the pandemic, remote work has become the new norm. This has led to a rise in staff augmentation, where companies can get talent from all over the world without any geographical limitations. This latest trend is expected to continue, and we hope to see more companies adopt staff augmentation.

Flexibility in staffing solutions:

Staff augmentation providers are responding to the trend of flexible staffing solutions by offering solutions like on-demand staffing and project-based staffing. This allows businesses to scale up or down their workforce quickly based on their needs.

More focus on upskilling:

It is getting difficult for companies to find the right talent due to the rising demand for skilled workers. This has led to a growing emphasis on upskilling the workforce to bridge the gaps. Staff augmentation services now include providing training and development programs to ensure the consultants are up to date with the skills and technologies. This leads to greater access to a more skilled workforce and increased marketability for the consultants.

Increased focus on inclusion and diversity:
Companies are now starting to recognize the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workforce. IT Staff augmentation services offer a diverse pool of talent to ensure that companies have access to a wider range of perspectives and skills.

How Can Resourcifi Help You With Your IT Staff Augmentation Needs?

At Resourcifi, we understand the importance of choosing the right approach to staff augmentation. Our team of experts helps you navigate the complexities and provide staff augmentation solutions that are tailored to meet your specific needs.

We are a top-notch IT staff augmentation company in India with years of experience in delivering high-quality, scalable, and innovative solutions to enterprises, startups, and entrepreneurs.

Here’s how Resourcifi can help you with your Software Development augmentation needs:

  • Access to a wider talent pool: Resourcifi has a large pool of pre-vetted Software Development professionals with a variety of skills and experience levels. This allows you to find the perfect fit for your project without having to spend time and resources on your own recruiting efforts.
  • Cost savings:  Hiring contract Software Development professionals through Resourcifi can be more cost-effective than hiring full-time employees. You don’t have to pay for benefits or overhead costs, and you only pay for the time the resource is working on your project.
  • Scalability: Easily adjust your team size up or down as your project needs change. This allows you to be more flexible and responsive to the ever-changing demands of the Software Development industry.
  • Reduced workload:  Resourcifi handles all the administrative tasks associated with hiring, such as payroll, taxes, and legal formalities. This frees you up to focus on more important tasks.
  • Faster project completion: With the right talent in place, you can get your projects completed on time and within budget.

If you’re looking for a way to fill your Software Development talent gap, Resourcifi can be a valuable resource. They can help you find the skilled professionals you need to get your projects done on time and within budget.